Department of SALYATHANTRA
Practicing and teaching about surgical diseases and its management Salyatantra dept. is having two sections of O.P.D in GACH. Pariyaram. Marma (ortrhopedics) Anusalya (kshara ,agni & rakthamoksha karmas)- especially Anorectal clinic, dealing with piles, fistula, fissure, varicose vein, ulcers etc.
To make students aware about scientific aspects of surgical & parasurgical methods and giving practical training to them at operation theatre.
To make this college a research oriented centre of excellence and to establish a referral centre of surgical & orthopedic diseases. To provide public a better treatment and facilities in the area of different surgical conditions we have to explore the area of surgery through researches. Giving awareness to public about the facilities available in our department and make them to utilize it.
To develop the institution as a centre of excellence regarding post graduate studies and research in Ayurveda.
Anorectal clinic major & Minor O.T . treatment for piles, fistula, fissure varicose vein, ulcers diabetic foot etc. ksharasutra treatment, high radiofrequency treatment, etc. special marma therapies & bandaging methods for fracture, dislocations, low back pain etc. X ray unit, physiotherapy unit etc.
O.P & I.P treatments ( average of 350 patients per month in anorectal clinic and 2500 in marma O.P.D. total bed strength of 19 patients in I.P.D) conducting clinical classes, theory classes
Conducted C.M.E programmes in Ksharasutra treatment modalities, conducted a mega medical camp in association with Rajata jubilee celebrations. Active involvement of salyatantra department was there in the success of rajata exhibition and national seminbar. Planning to conduct R.O.T.P program in lowback pain & orthopedics.
Researches in varicose vein and fracture treatments
Submitted project to K.U.H.S in varicose vein analysis